Banana Pi and Open-Xchange

Here it is. A Banana Pi running an Open-Xchange AppSuite on a 8 GB SD card.

Banana pi

As the Raspberry Pi does not support ARMv7 I had to use the Banana Pi instead. Not too bad as this device is more powerful and better to run a Java backend, a MySQL database and the Apache web server. For mail I’m using an existing mail account in the cloud.

Installation was pretty much straight forward using the existing Open-Xchange quickinstall script. The only thing to mention is that the script is available with git and not with svn:

git clone -b master

You have to make a few modifications as officially only 32-bit systems are supported. This means the OS architecture check and all office related repositories must be commented out.

3 thoughts on “Banana Pi and Open-Xchange

  1. Hi Thomas,

    OX provides a quick howto:

    So following the HOWTO you first need to install „git“ and then execute this command to fetch the script:

    git clone -b 7.8

    Then you have to edit the file „“ in the newly created directory and add your options, passwords and most important comment out some stuff like the „x86_64“ check, because otherwise the script will just stop on Raspberry/Banana Pi.

    My (very old) diff should give you a good start:

    diff --git a/ b/
    --- a/
    +++ b/
    @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ ARCH=`uname -m`
     if [ "${ARCH}" != "x86_64" ]; then
            echo "Failed."
            echo "A 64bit operating system is mandatory to install."
    -       exit 1
    +       #exit 1
            echo "OK."
    @@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ function check_update {
            if [ $? = 0 ]; then
                    echo "Cannot overwrite an existing installation, please update manually."
    -               exit 1
    +               #exit 1
    @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ check_update
     if [[ "${OX_BACKEND_VERSION}" != *"7.6"* ]]; then
            if [[ "${OX_BACKEND_VERSION}" != "master" ]]; then
            echo "Error: Invalid version, aborting."
    -       exit 1
    +       #exit 1

    The other changed file „“ contains user/password stuff and I’ll not provide a diff for obvious reasons 🙂

    Happy installing and have fun!

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